Download PDF version of Allocations and Lettings Policy – 2024
The allocation and letting of the organisation’s properties will be made in accordance with its objects as outlined in its Articles of Association.
In establishing the Allocations and Lettings Policy, the organisation has applied the following principles:
- To do so in a way which is fair, open and transparent
- To ensure utmost confidentiality with respect to personal information concerning applicants
Objectives                                   Â
- To meet the housing needs of the organisation;
- To provide housing for those referred to the organisation in accordance with existing Nominations Agreements who are in housing need and who wish to become residents.
- To ensure that all properties are allocated fairly and in accordance with the guidelines as recommended in the Regulatory Framework;
- To ensure that the organisation’s Equity Diversity and Inclusion Policy is adhered to, and that allocation of property does not discriminate against any person(s) on the basis of a protected characteristic[1].
AÂ Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Minimum and maximum housing standards
The organisation shall only consider applications where the household size requirements comply with the space standards set out below. This is to ensure that a property is neither under nor over occupied, based on household size at the time of allocation. Below are the minimum and maximum household and size standards. No allocation or transfer will be considered which will constitute under or over occupation.
Bed-sitting Room 1 adult
1 bedroom             1 adult
2 adults
2 bedrooms      2 adults sharing
1 adult + 1 - 2 children
2 adults + 1 - 2 children
3 bedrooms      1 adult + 2 - 4 children
2 adults + 1 - 3 children
3 adults sharing
BÂ Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Allocation of properties
B1Â Â Â Â Â Â When a property becomes vacant it will be offered to the following groups in this order:
- Existing tenants of the organisation requiring temporary re-housing because of fire, flood or other emergency;
- Existing tenants of the organisation requiring temporary re-housing while works are being carried out to their property.
If there is more than one household requiring re-housing the Neighbourhood Manager will decide who has the greatest priority.
B2Â Â Â Â Â Â If there is no household requiring re-housing under paragraph B1 the property will then be offered in this order:
- Members on the Transfer Waiting List who comply with the requirements of section A above;
- Nominees in accordance with organisation’s Nominations Agreement with the local authority or from the organisation’s external application process.
[1] The Equality Act 2010 requires equal access to services regardless of the protected characteristics of age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, race, religion or belief, sex, and sexual orientation. In the case of gender, there are special protections for pregnant women